Hey Coach Darren Vol. 33

Hi there,

Happy Holidays! Welcome back to ‘Hey Coach Darren’!

This week’s edition is a bit different – instead of introducing a new topic, I’ll be sharing a few top tips that are very relevant to today since, if you’re anything like me, you will likely be eating a bit more than usual.

Before the tips however, I’d like to express my gratitude this Thanksgiving to the readers of this newsletter! I appreciate you reading this email every week, and I hope they are helping you become happier, healthier, and stronger!

And as a special token of my thankfulness, I’m doing a special giveaway only for the readers of the ‘Hey Coach Darren’ newsletter.

The first 3 people to text me at 650-389-5582 will receive a 21-Day Holiday Metabolism Fix Challenge, for free!

So after you eat your turkey, check out the tips below, but make sure you act fast and shoot me a text! This giveaway is only for today, and only the first 3 readers (of thousands) will win – so don’t nap after the stuffing!
Here are my top tips for navigating this holiday:

Sip sensibly: It’s easy to overdo it with holiday drinks, from eggnog to mulled wine. Enjoy your favorites but balance them with water in between. Staying hydrated helps curb the impulse to overindulge in alcohol and sugary beverages. Plus, it’s a surefire way to avoid those dreaded hangovers!

Whether you’re at home or out being social, do your best to make friends with a glass of water everywhere. As you mingle with your water glass, you’ll find it challenging to grab more than a couple of finger foods here and there, and the fact that it is water will help you remember to watch what else goes in your mouth!

Combat binge eating during the holidays with the 80/20 rule: The 80/20 rule is a simple and effective strategy that allows you to strike a balance between healthy eating and indulgence. The idea behind it is to aim to make 80% of your food choices nutrient-dense and aligned with your fitness goals, while leaving 20% for treats and occasional indulgences.

During the holidays, it’s common to be surrounded by delicious, but often less nutritious, foods. Completely avoiding these treats can lead to feelings of deprivation, which may increase the likelihood of binge eating or feeling guilty when you do indulge. That’s where the 80/20 rule comes in: focus on eating nutritious, wholesome foods 80% of the time, allowing some flexibility to enjoy holiday treats in moderation.

By practicing mindful indulgence and following the 80/20 rule, you can navigate through the holiday season with confidence, joy, and satisfaction.

Get to moving the next day: After a day or night of indulgence, it can be tempting to just stay in bed all of the next day. But, getting moving can help you feel better and get back on track. Plan a morning workout, a walk, or a bike ride – knowing that you have a workout planned for the day after the event can help you stay on track.

It doesn’t have to be a hardcore workout, just something to get your body moving and help you burn off a few of the excess calories. Plus, the endorphins from completing the workout will help you feel better physically and mentally and keep you motivated to start the week off on the right note too.
I hope these tips help you have a fun and healthy Thanksgiving with your family and friends!

Stay tuned for next week’s ‘Hey Coach Darren’ where I’ll be sharing more valuable tips to help you become happier, healthier, and stronger.

Stronger Together,
Coach Darren

P.S. Do you need help with your health and fitness? Just hit ‘Learn more’ and I’ll be sure to give you some tips in an upcoming ‘Hey Coach Darren’ blog post.