Hey Coach Darren Vol. 2

Hi there,

Welcome back to ‘Hey Coach Darren’ – the biweekly advice column where I’ll be sharing my top three tips on a different topic each week, inspired by real-life scenarios from our current members (and you)! 

This week’s topic came from a conversation I had with a member who had just gone to a Golden State Warriors game over the weekend, and had another social weekend coming up:

“Hey Coach Darren, that was a killer workout last Friday. But the very next day I went to the Warriors game and drank and ate way too much! I felt like the workout was for nothing!

In the 6 months I’ve been a FitTRAC member I’ve been really happy with my progress. But boy do I find it challenging to stay on track on the weekends when I have social events that involve drinking and eating unhealthy foods!

I work hard all week to eat clean and exercise regularly, but it seems like when I’m doing something social on weekends, my progress becomes undone. I know I should just say no to the excess, but it’s hard to resist temptation and say no to friends who are pressuring me to indulge. I went to the Warriors game last weekend, and this weekend we’re celebrating my best friend’s birthday in Napa!

Do you have any tips on how I can stay on track with my health and fitness goals even when I have social events on the weekends?”

We’ve all been there – feeling as though our progress is halted because we can’t control our temptations during social events, particularly on weekends. They’re tough to navigate, especially since we’re all still making up for the social times we lost out on during COVID.

They’re tough, but not impossible! Here are some things I told this member to help them be better on weekends: 

  1. Play the “Healthy Food Bingo” game – Make a list of healthy foods, particularly those with high protein or high fiber, and try to find them at the social event. When you find an item on your list, mark it off like a bingo card. This will keep you focused on healthy options and distract you from unhealthy ones. Plus, it can be a fun game to play with others that are trying to be mindful of their intake at the event.

    For your food list, try to use protein and fiber-rich foods first. These will help keep you feeling full and satisfied, which can help reduce your overall intake of unhealthy foods. Look for options like grilled chicken skewers, vegetable crudités with hummus, or a salad with lean protein like grilled shrimp.
  2. Enlist the support of your friends – Let your friends know that you’re working towards your health and fitness goals, and ask for their support. Find somebody at the social event to be your accountability buddy – someone who also wants to stay on track with their health and fitness would be the best – and explain to them how important it is to you and that you would appreciate it if they could help you stick to your plan (rather than pressuring you to indulge like others that are there).

    If you plan ahead with the person, text each other beforehand to discuss your goals, and then check in with each other during and after the event to make sure you’re both staying on track. Having supportive friends can make a big difference in your success, so don’t be afraid to ask for help.
  3. Get to moving the next day – After a weekend night of indulgence, it can be tempting to just stay in bed all of the next day. But, getting moving can help you feel better and get back on track. Plan a morning workout, a walk, or a bike ride – knowing that you have a workout planned for the day after the event can help you stay on track.

    It doesn’t have to be a hardcore workout, just something to get your body moving and help you burn off a few of the excess calories. Plus, the endorphins from completing the workout will help you feel better physically and mentally and keep you motivated to start the week off on the right note too.

If you have a social weekend coming up, use those tips to help yourself stay on track!

Stay tuned for next week’s ‘Hey Coach Darren’ where I’ll be sharing more valuable tips to help you become happier, healthier, and stronger.

Stronger Together,
Coach Darren

If you have a health or fitness question you’d like me to answer just hit ‘More Info’ on this page, and I’ll be sure to answer it in an upcoming ‘Hey Coach Darren’ post!